Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Enrichment 1

Reflections of Angkor Posted by Hello

I am back. I feel tired, foreign and enriched. Tired because the sites, which I visited in Siem Reap were mounted on high grounds. If not before I could reach the core I had to walk for miles. Since these maginificient arcitectures were built nearly 1000 years ago, one would expect that the flooring were not smooth marble and cement. The grounds were rough stones with some parts almost unearthed. All these factors contributed to my walking and climbing difficult. To tip the scale, I had to carry a bottle of water and two cameras in my knapsack. Did I mention that it was scorching hot for most of the days? It rained intermittently for the first two days but the oven like heat took over for the rest of the week. As a result of which I developed a rather obvious tan, which I hope will disappear over time.

Despite all the physical toughness, the trip was invigorating. It's a total change of environment, culture and lifestyle. For starters I never knew that the skies were endlessly wide. Being a pure city dweller; skyscrappers blocked the openness of heaven. Siew Reap is a under developed town but for the ruins and historical sites that attracted teams of tourists world wide. The borderless green padi fields and grains expanded the horizon.

The entire visit has been totally enriching because it literally showed and proved to me that there was a civilsation 1000 years ago. That this universe is far reaching and what lies beyond is the answer to what is life.

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